Christmas Meeting TBA
UPDATED INFORMATION POSTED: December Meeting Information Please check back soon. As discussed at our most recent meeting, Vice President Holmes is investigating a couple of location options for our Christmas
UPDATED INFORMATION POSTED: December Meeting Information Please check back soon. As discussed at our most recent meeting, Vice President Holmes is investigating a couple of location options for our Christmas
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 13, 2015 Contact: Dave Gilliard (916) 626-6804 Roseville, CA — The California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) has awarded fifth grade teacher
Thank you to all who participated in the Revolutionary War Days encampment and the Constitution Day Parade in Nevada City. Encampment: Dale and Coreena Ross, Sam and Liz Sublett, Gordon and Jeanette Clark,
At the August Meeting, we discussed the upcoming events in September. The Constitution Day Parade in Nevada City will be preceded by Revolutionary War Days at Pioneer Park on Saturday
A special thanks to Compatriot Ron Barker for preparing the latest issue of the Forty-Niner, Gold Country Chapter’s Newsletter. The August 2015 issues is now posted on the Newsletter Page.
Dear Gold Country Compatriots, Yesterday we received a note from the teacher we sponsored for the Valley Forge Program, Nicole Jacobson of Roseville (standing left in the picture), who is currently
Many members have expressed an interest in obtaining uniforms and period clothing. Whether you are looking to reenact, join the color guard, or making a vibrant and engaging addition to your
The Gold Country Chapter was represented in the Grass Valley Independence Day Parade. Thank you to everyone who supported the chapter, and especially our compatriots who marched in the parade.
We hope all members will join us at the Grass Valley Independence Day Parade. Color Guard meets at 9:30AM and the Parade starts at 11:00AM. See the Event Page for
Gold Country Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Dave Gilliard, President
Your donation to the Gold Country Chapter may be tax deductible. TAX ID# 68-0348084