Wreaths Across America 2019
Wreaths Across America will be on December 14th this year at the New Auburn Cemetery.
Wreaths Across America will be on December 14th this year at the New Auburn Cemetery.
The November 2019 Chapter Meeting will be at the Auburn Placer Library on November 16th at 9AM. We will be electing Chapter Officers as well as honoring members of the
Saturday is the June 2019 Gold Country Chapter Meeting. Our Speaker this month is Compatriot Dave Gilliard who will be giving a report on this year’s Patriot’s Day.
Fostering patriotism is one of the 10 primary missions of the Sons of the American Revolution. This month, Gold Country Chapter Vice President Mike Holmes presented Auburn mayor Cheryl Maki
The April 2019 Chapter Meeting is Saturday. We are back at our usual place and time at Mel’s Diner. Our Chapter President, Tony Chakurian, will be giving an introduction to
The March 2019 Chapter Meeting is Saturday. This will be the Poster Contest Judging Meeting and it will not be at our usual place and time. Please come to the
The Chapter Meeting for January 2019 will be this Saturday. Our speaker will be Nicholas Warr, a Vietnam vet and former Marine, who will discuss his service and a book he
A reminder that Saturday the 17th is the November 2018 Chapter Meeting. Our speaker this month is Victoria Fisch, a professional Genealogist. Her talk is entitled “Secrets to Searching on Ancestry.”
A reminder that Saturday October 20th is our Chapter Meeting.
This is a reminder for our upcoming August 18th Meeting. The Guest Speaker will be LCDR Lou Conter, USN (Ret.) who served aboard the USS Arizona when it was attacked at
Gold Country Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Dave Gilliard, President
Your donation to the Gold Country Chapter may be tax deductible. TAX ID# 68-0348084