October Meeting
The minutes from the October Meeting are now posted on the Minutes Page. Gold Country Chapter member Ron and his wife Connie Barker were the special speakers for the meeting,
The minutes from the October Meeting are now posted on the Minutes Page. Gold Country Chapter member Ron and his wife Connie Barker were the special speakers for the meeting,
The October Meeting of the Gold Country Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, is this Saturday, October 18 at 9:00 AM. We will meet at our usual place, Lou La Bonte’s Restaurant,
The August Meeting of the Gold Country Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, is this Saturday, August 16 at 9:00 AM. We will meet at our usual place, Lou La
Photos of the Gold Country Chapter SAR Color Guard participating in the Fourth of July parade have been added to the Photo Gallery.
Saturday, May 17th is Armed Forces Day. The Guest Speaker at our regular meeting will be LCDR Lou Conter, USN (Ret.) who served aboard the USS Arizona when it was
The Gold Country Color Guard, chapter members, and guests participated in Patriots’ Day in Auburn, CA. There was an historic flag display and literature was passed out to the passing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 2014 Contact: Dave Gilliard (916) 626-6804 AUBURN, CA — The public is invited to join the Gold Country Chapter of the Sons of the American
The April 2014 Newsletter has been posted. You can also find past newsletters in the archive section.
The March 15th Chapter Meeting was the Poster Contest Judging Meeting. The Chapter Winners were, from left to right: Third Place Chloe Jeppson from Loomis Grammar; Second Placer, Emma Kwan
Photos have been posted in the Photo Gallery from Gold Country Chapter’s Poster Contest team. These photos are from the presentation of the contest rules and history of this year’s
Gold Country Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Dave Gilliard, President
Your donation to the Gold Country Chapter may be tax deductible. TAX ID# 68-0348084