Minutes for November 2014

Minutes of the November 15, 2014 Regular Meeting at Sierra Smokehouse and Grill in Auburn, CA.

President Dale Ross presided over the meeting and called it to order at 9:05AM. Secretary Greg Hill was taking minutes.

Opening: Chaplain Barry Hopkins gave the invocation, Vice President Mike Holmes led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Compatriot Alan Brooking led the SAR Pledge.

Attendance: There were 4 guests and 10 members in attendance.

Minutes Approval: President Ross asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Registrar Ron Barker made the motion and it was unanimously agreed to.

President Dale Ross reported that the Chapter had received the Partners in Patriotism Award at the SAR National Congress and that he had been awarded the Silver Roger Sherman Medal at the California Society SAR Board of Managers Meeting. Additionally, he reported that the chapter was presented with a Certificate of Commendation for their participation in the Veterans Day Parade. The certificate and awards for the chapter were turned over to Historian Barry Hopkins.

Secretary Greg Hill reported that he had received dues for 39 members so far, including life members being counted as paid. There are still 20 members owing dues who have not yet paid. All received dues have been turned over to Treasurer Dave Gilliard for deposit. Additionally, he reported that the online survey that was emailed to chapter members will remain active, and so far the results show that members prefer to keep a Saturday morning breakfast meeting.

Registrar Ron Barker reports that he has submitted one more application to the National Society, and that he has one inquiry in process.

Election Day. President Ross reported that the volunteers from our Chapter worked at the election day polling place and thanked them for their hard work.

Chapter Nominations. Chairman of the Nominations Committee, Ron Barker, reported the list of candidates nominated for Chapter office. For President, Greg Hill; for First Vice President, Mike Holmes; for Second Vice President, Ernie McPherson; for Secretary, Ron Barker; for Historian, Barry Hopkins; for Registrar, Ron Barker; for Genealogist, Ron Barker; for Chaplain, Barry Hopkins; for Chancellor, Craig Hopkins; for Treasurer, Dave Gilliard. No additional nominations were made from the floor. Compatriot Keith Bigbee made a motion to close nominations and elect the officers running unopposed, Compatriot Greg Hill seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. The officers will be sworn in at the December meeting and Christmas potluck.

Color Guard Event. President Ross reminded us of a Color Guard activity at the Gold Trails DAR meeting on November 18, 2014.

Wreaths Across America. The Wreaths Across America Program will take place at the Sacramento National Cemetery in Dixon, CA. The date is December 13, 2014 and the time is 9:00AM but the Color Guard must arrive earlier.

Chapter Christmas Party. The Chapter Christmas Party and meeting will follow the Wreaths Across America program, at 11:30AM in Auburn, CA in the Rose Room at Auburn City Hall. Vice President Holmes confirmed that the room had been reserved.

Bylaws. Chairman of the Bylaws Committee, Greg Hill, reminded the chapter of the previous discussions on the bylaws and made a motionĀ for a vote on the revision. Compatriot Barry Hopkins seconded the motion and the revised Bylaws passed.

Compatriot Bigbee led the SAR Recessional and Chaplain Hopkins gave the benediction. President Ross adjourned the meeting at 10:05AM.