Minutes of the August 21, 2021 Meeting at Mel’s Diner in Auburn, CA
Vice President Mike Holmes called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m.
Invocation Compatriot Ron Barker led the innovation.
U.S. Pledge led by Compatriot Mike Holmes.
SAR Pledge led by Compatriot Tony Chakurian.
Introduction of Guests: Dave Hulbert and Jess Bosworth.
Attendance of five members and two guests.
Program: Due to technical difficulties the video program could not be presented.
Vice President Mike Holmes called Steve Hoss up to recognize the approval of the following patriot ancestors: William Nodding-grand juror, Benjamin Rising, Sr., packer of meat, Samuel Bayless-Oath of Allegiance, Redmond Eakin-Road Viewer, Valentine Sevier, Sr.-Oath of Allegiance, and Silas Clark. This is a record for supplements for a member of the Gold Country Chapter. He received six supplemental stars. Congratulations Steve.
Chapter Reports
Vice President Mike Holmes has been talking to the Auburn area schools about entering out youth contests.
Compatriot Ron Barker gave the treasurer’s report-
Compatriot Ron Barker talked about Constitution Day in Nevada City on Sept 17-19. Need help with set-up on Friday and Tear down on Sunday. Patriot activities in Pioneer Park on Saturday and Sunday morning parade in Nevada City at 2 p.m. All encouraged to come. Risk of being cancelled because of Covid.
Compatriot Tony Chakurian advised he was working on one application.
SAR recessional was led by Compatriot Mike Holmes and Benediction by Compatriot Ron Barker.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.
Next Meeting: September 18, 8:30 a.m. Mel’s Diner in Auburn