April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the April 20, 2024 Meeting at Mel’s Diner in Auburn, CA

President Ron Barker called the meeting to order. The meeting began at 8;38 a.m.
Invocation: Eric Johnson led the invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Hoss.
SAR Pledge: The SAR Pledge was led by Tony Chakurian.


The guests at the April meeting were Daniel Hill, retired U-2 Pilot Neal Hinson and Coreena Ross.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Dave Gilliard made the motion to approve the February meeting minutes. Greg Hill seconded the motion for the minutes to be approved. The February meeting minutes were approved.

America 250 Minute Report

Dave Gilliard gave the America 250 Minute Report. He spoke about the Lexington and Concord conflict and the shot heard around the world which resulted in the start of the Revolutionary War. The date of the Lexington and Concord Conflict was April 19th, 1775.


The April guest speaker was retired U-2 Pilot Neal Hinson. He spoke about his experiences as a U-2 Pilot. He spoke about a documentary 415 video on Youtube. The first U-2 flew in 1953. Neal Hinson did a question and answer period and that followed after his presentation. President Ron Barker presented Neal Hinson with an SAR Challenge Coin commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution.

Officer and Program Chapter Reports

President’s Report: President Ron Barker spoke about the upcoming CASSAR meeting that was being held in Burlingame the following week.

First Vice President’s Report: Mike Holmes met with Congressional Members. He met with staff members of Edward Butler and Kevin Kiley.

Second Vice President’s Report: Eric Johnson said there was no report given.

Treasurer’s Report: Dave Gilliard gave his report.

Secretary’s Report: Ron Barker gave the Secretary’s report.

Chaplain’s Report: There was no report given.

Valley Forge Report: There was no report given.

Color Guard Report: Dale Ross said there was no report given.

Old Business

Dave Gilliard spoke about the chapter poster contest and he bought the ribbons for the poster contest winners. He also spoke about doing a fundraiser for next year’s poster contest.

New Business

At the May 18th, 2024 meeting there will be an Armed Forces Recognition.

SAR Recessional: Steve Hoss led the SAR Recessional.
Benediction: The benediction was led by Tony Chakurian.

President Ron Barker called for the meeting to be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

The next meeting will be held at Mel’s Diner and the date is May 18th, 2024.

Respectfully submitted

Dale Ross