Minutes for May 2014

Minutes of the May 17, 2014 Regular Meeting at Lou La Bonte’s in Auburn, CA.

President Dale Ross presided over the meeting and called it to order at 9:05AM. Secretary Greg Hill was taking minutes.

Opening: The pledge of allegiance was led by Compatriot Gordon Clark, Compatriot Ernie McPherson led the SAR Pledge, and Registrar Ron Barker gave the invocation.

Attendance: There were 9 guests and 11 members in attendance.

Guest Speaker: Vice President Mike Holmes introduced the Guest Speaker, LCDR Lou Conter, USN Retired. LCDR Conter gave a presentation on his service in the Navy, including aboard the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, as well as throughout WWII and the rest of his career.

State Meeting: President Ross did a re-presentation of medals given at the CASSAR state meeting in Sacramento. Compatriot Greg Hill received the Silver Roger Sherman medal and Coreena Ross received the Lydia Darragh medal. President Ross displayed his Gold Von Steuben medal for Color Guard. There were also a number of Best Chapter certificates, a streamer and a plaque awarded to Gold Country Chapter. Additionally, our chapter’s Poster Contest and JROTC entry came in first at CASSAR and will advance to NSSAR.

Minutes: Compatriot Keith Bigbee moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. They were approved unanimously.

New Business:
George Washington Portrait. Vice President Holmes summarized the George Washington Portrait program. Compatriot Bigbee made a motion that the chapter should fund the purchasing of a portrait ($250) and select a school to display it. The motion passed unanimously.

Cub Scout Daycamp. Coreena Ross gave a summary of the Cup Scout Daycamp program at Camp Beckwourth in Nevada City. The event will be on June 14, 2014. An abbreviated meeting will be held if a quorum is present.

Auburn Father’s Day Breakfast. President Ross summarized the upcoming event in Auburn. Hosted by the Elks Lodge to raise funds for Veterans Day, the event will take place on June 15th at 9AM.

Fourth of July Parade. President Ross announced the upcoming parade in Nevada City. It will start at 11:00AM but Color Guard should meet at 9:30AM at the Nevada County Government Building, 950 Maidu Ave, Nevada City, CA 95959.

Fourth of July Potlock. Following the parade, an abbreviated meeting will be held quorum permitting at the Ross’s house where a potluck will be held.

Next Meeting. The next regular meeting at the restaurant will be August 16, 2014.

Constitution Day. President Ross and Registrar Barker reminded us of the upcoming parade on Constitution Day in Grass Valley and the chapter’s intention to participate in the Revolutionary War encampment on the Saturday preceeding.

June 2 Primary Election. Registrar Barker announced that we are fully staffed for election day. Manning a polling place is an important fundraiser for the chapter.

Chapter Reports:
Vice President Holmes reported that he went through SERE school under our Guest Speaker, LCDR Conter. He also reported that the Touch of Home donations were delivered.

2nd Vice President Bill Graber reported that he went to his first poster awards presentation and it went well.

Reporting as Poster Contest Chairman, Dave Gilliard reported that all schools are scheduled. As Treasurer, Compatriot Gilliard reported that the checking account was getting low on account of the poster contest awards. Due to a problem with passwords, he is unable to access the savings account. The previous serving Treasurer Bruce Choate will need to be contacted to help resolve the access issue with the bank holding the Savings Account.

Secretary Hill reported that he forgot to bring the sign in book and that a paper was being passed around to record attendance.

2nd Vice President Graber made a motion to adjourn which passed unanimously.

Vice President Holmes led the SAR Recessional and President Ross adjourned the meeting at 10:45AM.