Lincoln 5th Grader Wins American History Poster Contest

Press Release Sent out by Gold Country SAR:

LINCOLN, CA — A poster made by Lincoln 5th grade student Anjalee Golden has won the annual American History Poster Contest sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution, Gold Country Chapter.

The topic for this year’s contest is “The Declaration of Independence.”

A total of 531 posters were submitted locally for judging this year. Anjalee Golden is a 5th grade student in Ms. Connie London’s class at Twelve Bridges Elementary School in Lincoln, CA. Her poster will now move on to the statewide judging, where it will compete against posters submitted from around California. The California winner will serve at the state’s entry into the national contest, which takes place in July.

The poster contest is a national program of the Sons of the American Revolution, a historical, educational, and patriotic non-profit organization. The California Society was established in 1875 and the Gold Country Chapter was established in 1924. For more information, visit our website.

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