Minutes of the January 19, 2019 Meeting at Mel’s Diner in Auburn, CA
President: President Tony Chakurian called the meeting to order. The meeting began at 8:40 a.m.
Invocation: Compatriot Gordon Clark led the invocation.
SAR Pledge: The SAR Pledge was led by Compatriot Dick Fowler.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Compatriot Eric Johnson.
Introductions of Guests: The guests for the January meeting were Dennis Deck, Coreena Ross, Jeannette Clark, Sandy Slorp, Keith Barnes, Larry LaVerne, Paula Celick, Nick Ware, Susan Richardson, Nicholas Warr.
The program for the January meeting was Nicholas Warr. The topic of the program was The Battle of Hue City February 13th through March 5th, 1968. Nicholas Warr was presented with a certificate of appreciation from Gold Country Chapter President Tony Chakurian.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Dick Fowler made the motion to approve the meeting minutes as published on the chapter website. First Vice-President Mike Holmes made the motion for the chapter meeting minutes to be approved. The October and November meeting minutes were approved as published on the chapter website. The October and the November meeting minutes were approved at theJanuary meeting because there wasn’t a December meeting.
Chapter Reports
President’s Report: President Tony Chakurian spoke about the National Society Sons of the American Revolution updating the Patriot’s Search Records and creating a database similar to the Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogical Research System. He is also encouraging one of the chapter members to become the President for the chapter.
1st Vice-President’s Report: There was no report given at the meeting.
2nd Vice President’s Report: There was no report given at the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Compatriot Dave Gilliard gave the treasurer’s report at the meeting.
Secretary’s Report: There was no report given at the meeting.
Eagle Scout Report: There was no report given at the meeting.
Valley Forge Teacher Program: Mike Holmes said he talked to two school administrators in regards to the Valley Forge Project.
Membership Report: There was no report given at the meeting.
J.R.O.T.C. Report: Mike Holmes said he was going to present the J.R.O.T.C. medal at the Rocklin Air Force Base Academy.
Colorguard Reports: There was no report given at the meeting
Chaplain’s Report: There was no report was given at the meeting.
Newsletter Editor: There was no report was given at the meeting.
Registrar’s Report: There was no report given at the meeing.
Genealogist Report: There was no report given at the meeting.
Old Business
New Business
Poster Contest: Dave Gilliard spoke about the poster contest. They are starting to do the school presentations.
President Tony Chakurian called for the meeting to be adjourned. Mike Holmes made the motion for the meeting to be adjourned. Ron Barker seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Benediction: Compatriot Gordon Clark gave the benediction at the meeting.
SAR Recessional: The SAR Recessional was led by Compatriot Dave Gilliard.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dale T. Ross